
  • In 2017/18, 23% of small charities reported having no reserves, in line with the voluntary sector average of 23%
  • The majority of small charities (73%) report that one of their main financial concerns is competing for limited grants and contracts
  • Small charities with an income between £150k-£250k were most likely to be concerned about the risks facing their charities, with under a third (29%) perceiving them to be manageable
  • Over a five year period between 14% and 29% of small charities reported that they did not have reserves
  • The use of their reserves by small charities has fluctuated over a five year period between 27% and 44%

What proportion of small charities have reserves?

  • In 2017/18, 23% of small charities did not have reserves, in line with a sector average of 23%.
  • 18% of charities with an income of between £100k – £1m were without reserves.

What are the main financial concerns facing small charities?

  • The main three financial concerns facing small charities in 2015 to 2017 were continued to be competition for limited grants and contracts (73%), generating donations from the public (62%), and a lack of sufficient reserves (42%)
  • Nearly a third of small charities (29%) also report over-dependence on a single income stream as one of their main financial concerns.
  • Despite showing a slight decline since 2015, ‘competition for grants and contracts’ was the greatest financial concern for charities between 2015 – 2017.

How do small charities perceive their organisations’ overall stability?

  • Charities with an income of £100k – £250k had the least confidence in the stability of their organisation, with just 29% reporting that any risks are manageable.
  • In 2016, charities with an income over £1m were most confident in the stability of their organisation, with nearly 90% reporting that risks to their organisation were manageable.

How has the likelihood of small charities having reserves changed over time?

  • Since 2014, between 14% – 29% of small charities reported that they did not reserves.

How likely are small charities to use their reserves?

  • Since 2014, the proportion of small charities that have reported using their reserves in the previous quarter has fluctuated between 27% and 44%.

Main challenges facing small charities

What are the most pressing issues for small charities? What challenges has COVID-19 posed for small charities?

Find out more

Main sources of income for small charities

What sources make up small charities’ income? How do charities get their income?

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Further Reading

NCVO 2020 UK Civil Society Almanac 2020

Localgiving 2015-2017/18 Local Charity and Community Group Sustainability Reports 2015, 2016, 2017/18

Locality 2016 Our Impact report 2016

Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) 2016 Small charities and social investment